Water Treadmill

Water Treadmill

Our water treadmill is a vital tool to help aid horse’s fitness and recovery. The hydrotherapy helps with the well being of our horses in various areas of their training regimes. The treadmill can be filled with with water as low as the foot all the way to the shoulder and contains Epsom salts for their multiple health benefits.

  • Injury – One of the biggest advantages of the water treadmill is in the unfortunate event of injury. The water temperature along with the Epsom salts help to increase circulation, reduce inflammation and help as a pain relief speeding up the healing process. Where the water treadmill really shines is that it can allow horses to exercise with significantly reduced stress to their bodies and joints. This ensures fitness levels do not drop too far and therefore a return to full training is speeded up.
  • Recovery – The relaxing benefits of Epsom salts can aid with recovery following race or exercise. As the horse walks on the treadmill the cold water increases circulation whilst Epsom salts relax the muscles. This helps the horse to stretch, loosening up the body and remove any toxins in the muscles that have built up through their exertions.
  • Training – Water in the treadmill can be set to whatever depth you wish and this will help to work certain muscle groups. Working against the force of the water will aid with muscle growth and strengthening of the body. You can can customise a training regime which can hugely benefit horses they may require individual attention, aiding certain attributes to help them reach their full potential and minimise future injury risk.